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"You Marta, are one of the most sensible riders in youtube - you have the gift of feeling the talent of a horse and show his strong sides. You are the top moderator for motivating potential horse buyers, because every horse looks great when ridden by you. Wow! What an excellent rider on all those wonderful horses."
Youtube User
Wec's Dance Hit 17.1 Hh 2012 Oldeburg Mare. Marta Renilla Personal Young Prospect
Rhustler: 1st place 2018 TX CDI 2*. Inter I: 68,7%
Marta & WEC's Mistico: Champions 2015 USEF Grand Prix Freestyle. Awards ceremony
Marta & Presumido CDI3*
Grand Prix, Lexington 2012
Marta & WEC's Rhustler - Demo rider/horse at Conrad Shumacher's Symposium - March'15
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